I’ve used Acupuncture for many years both as a treatment for acute conditions and as a stabilizer and boost for my system. Acupuncture with James Unsworth reaches another level – I can really sense and appreciate the interconnectedness of my physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual well-being. He treats as a response to me, my wholeness and from his depth of experience and understanding.
Mrs R
I was sceptical about alternative medicine, but after a recommendation I contacted James about a recurring muscular problem in my neck. After a couple of treatments the problem vanished. James has since over the years successfully treated me for several muscular and sports-related injuries, using a combination of massage and acupuncture. I thoroughly recommend him.
Mr S
I have received Acupuncture for over thirty years. Over the last three years I have received Acupuncture treatment from James. I have high regard for his professional skills and I feel he brings some fine qualities into his work. I have always felt truly listened to, with a sense of presence and attentiveness; been offered a sense of welcome and safety, of caring and enquiry. The quality and depth of his treatments have been a real support to me both physical and emotionally and have helped me return to a sense of greater balance and well-being within myself. From the start I have recommended James as an acupuncturist and will continue to do so.
Mrs J
It would be an understatement to say that without Acupuncture I would not now be able to lead a normal life. Acupuncture restored equilibrium to my body after intensive surgery and contributed to my health and well-being. It is an invaluable part of my life for which I am utterly grateful.
Mrs N